Research and innovation have been priorities for the European Union for many years. Following on from the Framework Programs for Research and Technological Development (FP) and Horizon 2020, the Horizon Europe program will, from 2021, enable the structuring and funding of European research programs. In February 2021, the European Commission also presented the European Plan to beat cancer, which represents a new EU approach to cancer prevention, treatment and care.
As part of its Horizon Europe program, the European Commission offers calls for projects aimed at funding international projects, grants or equipment. All open calls for projects can be consulted on the Funding and Tenders Portal.
Other types of funding are also possible via additional instruments, such as the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (grants), the EIC program (innovation), the ERC program (grants) or the IHI JU partnership.
> List of the open call for projects
> French website of the European program for research and innovation
If you have any questions, please contact the national contact point.
Helping set up European or international networks
The ANR offers funding for “Setting up European or International Scientific Networks”, with the aim of helping to set up scientific networks covering subjects from all disciplines. Applications must be for large-scale European or international programs with a major scientific, technological and/or societal impact. Selected projects will receive a maximum grant of €30k for a maximum duration of 24 months.
> Learn more
The IDF Region also offers assistance in setting up a European project, based on 3 phases: information, advice and support (via a letter of support) in setting up an innovative European project.
Être expert pour l’Union Européenne
The European Community has opened a permanent call for expressions of interest for “Experts to the European Union” for the duration of the Horizon Europe program. If you have high-level expertise and professional experience in the fields covered by the European Union, you can respond to this call for expressions of interest, and may be asked to evaluate funding applications, monitor projects selected in response to calls for projects, and provide opinions and advice when requested.
Horizon Europe is the European Commission’s research and innovation program for the years 2021 to 2030. For the period 2021-2027, it will have a budget of around 95.5 billion euros, representing a 30% increase on the Horizon 2020 program. It rests on four pillars :
- Excellence in science;
- Global issues and European industrial competitiveness;
- Europe more innovative;
- Widening participation and strengthening the European Research Area.
Research and innovation missions have been set up under the second pillar, to strengthen the links between research and innovation, society and citizens’ needs. The research priorities identified by the European Commission are:
- Adaptation to climate change, including societal transformation
- Health of oceans, seas and coastal and inland waters
- Climate-neutral and intelligent cities
- Health soil and food
- Cancer
These 5 priority themes will benefit from targeted calls for projects, in addition to those under the 4 pillars of the Horizon Europe program.
> Learn more about the Horizon Europe program
> Webpage of the IDF Region listing actions for Europe in the Region
> Call for projects of Horizon Europe
European cancer plan
The Horizon Europe Cancer Mission will play a major role in the European Union’s investment in cancer research and innovation. The objectives of this mission are concrete: to save more than 3 million lives by 2030, and these lives should be longer and of better quality. At the end of 2020, an international board of independent experts from the European Commission, chaired by Prof. Walter Ricciardi and assisted by Prof. Christine Chomienne, submitted a report proposing a strategy for research and innovation. 13 recommendations were identified, centered around requests from citizens and patients, and falling into 5 areas of intervention:
- Prevention
- Optimizing diagnosis and treatment
- Optimizing quality of life
- Understanding the disease
- Equitable access for all citizens
On February 3, 2020, the European Commission presented the European Plan to beat cancer, which defines Europe’s objectives for cancer prevention, treatment and care. This cancer plan is structured around 4 areas and 10 measures, and will earmark an amount of 4 billion euros for actions in the fight against cancer. These 4 areas will largely overlap with the priorities defined in France’s ten-year strategy:
- Prevention
- Early detection
- Diagnosis and treatment
- Improving quality of life
> Learn more (en)
> List of the 10 mesures of the European Cancer Plan