Our members
Cancéropôle Île-de-France member institutions are major players in cancer research, combining care and research. They contribute to the financing of Cancéropôle Île-de-France. Representatives of each institution are invited to attend meetings of the General Assembly and the Scientific and Strategic Steering Comitee.
Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) : AP-HP is Europe’s leading hospital group, Europe’s leading cancer care center and France’s leading cancer research organization. It accounts for a third of all cancer care in the Ile-de-France region, at 8 highly specialized sites. Structured around clinical research units, clinical investigation centers and biological investigation centers, the AP-HP is also a major teaching center, with 11 medical departments.
Fondation Jean Dausset – CEPH : The Jean Dausset Foundation is a public interest foundation whose work in genetics has a strong scientific impact on a national and international scale. In collaboration with the Centre National de Génotypage, its activities rely on cutting-edge genomic technologies to study the causes of human pathologies at the genetic level and gene-environment interactions. It is active in the fields of cancer, autoimmune diseases and asthma, metabolic and cardiovascular diseases, as well as psychiatric and neurodegenerative diseases.
Gustave Roussy : Gustave Roussy, Europe’s leading cancer center, is a privately-owned public service organization. It is a global center of expertise in the fight against cancer, entirely dedicated to patients. On a single site, it brings together more than 2,100 professionals whose missions are care, research and teaching. Gustave Roussy’s core business combines high-level multidisciplinarity with a medical approach that takes the human dimension into account. To structure the continuum between clinical and research activities, the Clinical and Translational Research Department was created in 2005, with the aim of developing new therapeutic agents and their biomarkers, proving the concept of biologically-oriented treatments, developing the imaging/biology interface and making the patient an active partner in research.
Institut Curie : The Institut Curie is a non-profit organization founded in 1909 on a model conceived by Marie Curie: “from fundamental research to innovative care”. Its research center brings together biologists, chemists, physicists, bioinformaticians and physicians. Their multidisciplinary work aims to understand the complex workings of the cell, whether normal or cancerous, in order to advance cancer prevention, diagnosis and treatment. The teams are supported by state-of-the-art platforms in cellular imaging, bioinformatics, genomics and proteomics. Transfer, the essential bridge between research, industry and medicine, ensures the transition from scientific discovery to medical innovation. It validates concepts enabling the development of new, more effective and better tolerated diagnostic techniques and therapeutic approaches.
Institut Pasteur : Founded in 1887, Institut Pasteur is a world-renowned biomedical research center and a private foundation recognized as being in the public interest. Its mission is to contribute to the prevention and control of disease through scientific and medical research, teaching and public health initiatives. Research at the Institut Pasteur focuses on infectious diseases, cancer, genetic diseases and neurodegenerative disorders. At the same time, many laboratories carry out more fundamental research, studying embryonic development, the immune system, the structure of molecules and certain brain functions.
Université Paris Cité : Université Paris Cité was awarded the “Initiative d’excellence” label in 2018, which will be confirmed in 2022, as part of the “investissements d’avenir” program. It combines exceptional strengths in health, basic and applied sciences, and social sciences, enabling it to respond to societal challenges through both research and training (environmental crisis, global health, emerging infectious diseases). A research-intensive university, Université Paris Cité agilely promotes the development of its disciplines at the highest level, with a wealth of disciplines ranging from the sciences to the humanities, supported by top-level research; with exceptional potential in the health sciences, 20% of Inserm research staff working in UMRs). Beyond this, Université Paris Cité aims to promote a new set of cross-disciplinary programs and projects, particularly in response to new challenges in health and life sciences: from integrated biology systems for humans to public health studies.
Sorbonne Université : Sorbonne Université was created on January 1, 2018 by the merger of Université Paris-Sorbonne and Université Pierre et Marie Curie. In March 2018, the international jury of the Initiative d’Excellence du Programme d’Investissement d’Avenir definitively confirmed Sorbonne Université’s IDEX SUPER status. Today, Sorbonne Université is the carrier or partner of nearly 70 excellence projects selected under the Programme d’Investissement d’avenir. Sorbonne Université’s Life and Health cluster is characterized by a large number of small-scale research structures, scattered throughout eastern Paris, the main ones being located on the central Sorbonne Université site, and in the hospitals of the Assistance publique-Hôpitaux de Paris “Groupement hospitalo-universitaire Est”. This includes the Pitié-Salpêtrière, Saint-Antoine, Tenon, Trousseau, Charles Foix and Rothschild hospitals, as well as the Quinze-Vingts national ophthalmology center. Sorbonne Université plays an active role in many areas of cancer research: genetics, genomics, proteomics, cell biology, immunology, public health and biostatistics, clinical research.
Our partners
Anchored in the Paris region’s cancer research ecosystem, the Groupement d’Intérêt Public Cancéropôle Île-de-France has set up a number of partnerships and works with research institutes, public and private sector associations, universities, hospitals and industry. These collaborations with various partners, most of whom are already involved in research, facilitate scientific exchanges and contribute to supporting cancer research.
INCa, funder and partner
The Institut National du Cancer (INCa), the main funder of Cancéropôle Ile-de-France, is a privileged partner.
The 7 Cancéropôles
7 Cancéropôles cover the whole of France, enabling better coordination of cancer research at regional or inter-regional level by breaking down barriers between sectors and disciplines. Their common missions are defined in the contract of objectives and performance signed with INCa, and are implemented in a variety of ways adapted to each cluster’s territory. Partnerships with the other 6 Cancéropôles enable the sharing of experience, as well as the development of inter-cancéropôle collaborations.
Research institutions
Cancéropôle IDF’s actions to structure research on key themes are aimed at the entire community of researchers and clinicians in the Paris region. While the 7 members of Cancéropôle IDF are major players in research in the Paris region, our partners also include major research centers, universities and public and private hospitals.
Research centers and universities
CNRS : A major player in fundamental research worldwide, the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) is the only French organization active in all scientific fields. Its unique position as a multi-specialist enables it to bring together different scientific disciplines to shed light on and understand the challenges of today’s world, in conjunction with public and socio-economic players.
Inserm : Inserm brings together 15,000 researchers, engineers, technicians and administrative staff, with a common goal: to improve the health of all through the advancement of knowledge about living organisms and diseases, innovation in treatments and public health research. This mission is underpinned by the work of nine thematic institutes, whose role is to assess the current state of research in their field and to coordinate this research.
CEA : Since its creation, the CEA has been a major player in research, development and innovation, serving our country’s major strategic and industrial challenges. Today, the CEA is active in four fields: low-carbon energies (nuclear and renewable), digital technologies, technologies for the medicine of the future, and defense and security. Medical imaging, structural biology, large-scale biology, chemistry and labelling, assisted surgery… The CEA combines fundamental research in biology with cutting-edge technologies to contribute to the advancement of knowledge and provide solutions in a field with high societal stakes: healthcare.
Université Paris Science Lettre : With over 70% of students at Master’s or PhD level, and an exceptional student-teacher ratio, Université PSL is the place where the decompartmentalization of education and research, based on scientific and pedagogical excellence, can be put into practice and generalized. Université PSL comprises eleven institutions: Collège de France, Conservatoire National Supérieur d’Art Dramatique – PSL, École nationale des chartes – PSL, École nationale supérieure de Chimie de Paris – PSL, École nationale supérieure des Mines de Paris – PSL, École normale supérieure – PSL, École Pratique des Hautes Études – PSL, ESPCI Paris – PSL, Institut Curie, Observatoire de Paris – PSL, Paris-Dauphine – PSL. Basic and applied sciences, engineering, social sciences, humanities, arts and creativity: PSL brings together teams and researchers of exceptional quality and world renown in all fields of knowledge. They collaborate, innovate and contribute to tomorrow’s scientific advances within different research structures.
Cergy Paris Université : CY Cergy Paris Université is a French university created on January 1, 2020. It provides education in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, humanities, social sciences and law. Research units are divided into 4 graduate schools: CY Tech, CY Arts and Humanities, CY Education, CY Law and Political Science.
Sirics from the Paris Region
INCa has been labeling integrated cancer research sites (SIRIC) since 2013. Five of the eight SIRICs accredited by INCa for the period 2023-2027 are in the Paris region. Their aim is to implement multidisciplinary research programs to optimize and accelerate the production of new knowledge, and to promote its dissemination and application in cancer care. Their mission is threefold: to integrate, structure and promote cancer research in France. In addition, one of the three integrated research centers of excellence for children’s cancers will be accredited by INCa in 2023: Paris Kids Cancer.
Inter-Sirics / Cancéropôle IDF initiatives have been set up to pool forces on targeted themes, to increase the efficiency of concerted actions:
- Call for projects “Structurant” of the Cancéropôle IDF
- Joint working group on health democracy in research, to enable synergy between the approaches of the different networks
Associations, regional networks and scientific societies
AERIO, Association pour l’Enseignement et la Recherche des Internes en Oncologie, is an association that aims to promote teaching and research in the field of oncology for interns. It offers educational content, events, job and internship opportunities, and a network of professionals.
Cancéropôle Île-de-France and AERIO have set up an exchange partnership since 2015. Oncology interns are involved in prevention, research and care development.
SFjRO, Société Française des Jeunes Radiothérapeutes Oncologues, is open to all interns and young doctors in radiotherapy/oncology. SFjRO projects focus on 5 areas: training, representation of young radiotherapists, communication & networks, careers & employment.
Joint work with SFjRO, SFRO and RadioTransNet as part of the Radiotherapy working group is helping to set up structuring actions to promote access to research for young radiotherapists.
UCOGs of the Paris Region: Five of France’s 24 UCOGs are located in the Ile-de-France region. Cancéropôle IDF’s “Elderly cancer patients” working group brings together the 5 Oncogeriatric Coordination Units (UCOGs) in the Ile-de-France region and the FROG (FRancilian Oncogeriatric Group) to develop interactions between these groups and encourage the emergence of research projects and training programs.
National networks for patients with rare cancers: collaboration between representatives from the Ile-de-France region of national networks for patients with rare cancers has been set up as part of the Cancers and rare tumors working group of the Cancéropôle IDF. This has made it possible to set up structural proof-of-concept initiatives in the IDF, which will be extended to the national level if they are successful.
Care centers and regional players
The mission of the Agence régionale de santé Île-de-France is to implement health policy in the region. It is responsible for all aspects of healthcare, from prevention to care and medico-social support.
Cancéropôle Île-de-France is a member of the ARS Île-de-France Cancer Steering Committee.
The Scientific Interest Group on Occupational Cancers in Seine Saint-Denis (Groupement d’Intérêt Scientifique sur les Cancers d’Origine Professionnelle en Seine Saint-Denis, Giscop93) is a research-for-action organization dedicated to the understanding, recognition and prevention of work-related cancers.
Cancéropôle IDF is a member of GISCOP 93.
Created on December 9, 2006, ONCORIF is the specific regional cancer organization for Île-de-France. Its missions are to coordinate the regional organization of the cancer care offer and make it easier to understand, to provide expertise and experiment with innovative joint projects, to support changes in the care offer, and to provide information and training on the cancer care pathway for players, patients and their families.
The Cancéropôle IDF co-organizes activities on themes of common interest with the ONCORIF Regional Cancer Task Force, notably as part of its Elderly Cancer Patients working group.
The Institut de Recherche Biomédicale des Armées (IRBA) is the establishment of the Service de Santé des Armées (SSA) specifically dedicated to research. The institute carries out applied research into the health of combatants, provides scientific and technical expertise at the request of the armed forces, the gendarmerie and the Direction Générale de l’Armement (DGA), and provides safety training for armed forces personnel. Its versatility, combining scientific and military knowledge, ensures the Institute’s unique position in the French research landscape.
The French Association of Oncology – National Private Hospital Union of Oncology (Association Française de Cancérologie – Union Nationale Hospitalière Privée de Cancérologie, AFC-UNHPC) federates French private hospital and independent organizations dedicated to the care of cancer patients. In terms of volume, these are the most important players in the field of specialized care. In fact, almost one out of every two cancer patients in France is cared for by a private doctor in a private clinic under agreement with the French government and the Assurance Maladie.
Patient and Relatives Associations
The Fondation ARC pour la recherche sur le cancer and the Ligue contre le cancer are two of Cancéropôle IDF’s long-standing partners. Their representatives are invited to attend AGs and COPS meetings.
Since 2013, our commitment to involving user representatives in our actions has been strengthened: patient representatives and/or other patient associations are invited to take part in our seminars as speakers or moderators. Patient representatives (Patients en Réseau, Corrasso, VHL France…) also take part in meetings of the Cancéropôle Île-de-France working groups, whose mission is to structure key disciplines in cancer research and help new research projects emerge.
Partners from the industry
ARIIS, Alliance pour la Recherche et l’Innovation des Industries de Santé, has signed a collaboration charter with Cancéropôle Île-de-France. This charter defines the professional and ethical rules governing collaboration between Cancéropôle Île-de-France and its industrial partners. Several industrial partners have signed up to the charter, including : BioAlliance Pharma, Boehringer Ingelheim, Exonhit, Sanofi, Alfact Innovation, Ipsen Innovation, Pierre Fabre, LLTECH management, Fluoptics, Maunakeatechnologies and Novartis.
Medicen is the healthcare competitiveness cluster for the Île-de-France region, bringing together players in the healthcare, biotech, medtech and e-health sectors.
Cancéropôle IDF is a member of Medicen. These two organizations work together to set up initiatives designed to foster links between industry and academia. Since 2023, these initiatives have been steered by the Oncomatch working group.
Paris Saclay Cancer Cluster, PSCC: As the first winner of the France 2030 NextGenerationEU program, the Paris Saclay Cancer Cluster aims to foster exchanges within the cancer community, strengthen the offer available for innovative projects and provide the most promising European researchers and developers with access to the best expertise, tools and services in the field.
The PSCC participates in the Oncomatch working group, dedicated to strengthening links between the academic and industrial worlds.
Paris Biotech Santé is an incubator for innovative companies in the field of human health. Co-created by key players in academic research in the Paris Region, this structure offers support for the creation and development of start-ups.
The Group of French Companies in the Fight against Cancer Paris IDF (Groupement des Entreprises Françaises dans la Lutte contre le Cancer Paris IDF, GEFLUC Paris IDF), is an association whose members are French companies. Its missions are threefold: to fund research; to help and support those affected by the disease; and to democratize prevention and awareness in the workplace as widely as possible.