Who are we ?

The public interest group Cancéropôle Île-de-France includes 7 member institutions and 14 partners, and brings together the entire cancer research community in the Paris region. To carry out its missions, it includes decision-making, scientific strategy and scientific evaluation bodies.

With funding from the Institut National du Cancer and its member institutions, its scientific strategy is based on thematic working groups, and aims to meet the specific needs of the Paris Region by integrating multidisciplinary and inter-institutional approaches.

The Cancéropôle IDF

The creation of a network between institutions in the Paris region involved in cancer research dates back to the 2000s, even before the launch of the first Cancer Plan, and involved both the creation of a university teaching structure (DEA) dedicated to oncology, and synergy between institutions through the sharing of technological platforms. The Institut Universitaire d’Hématologie (Université Paris Diderot), which has now become the Institut de Recherche Saint Louis (IRSL), the Institut Gustave Roussy and the Institut Curie joined forces, setting up the beginnings of a Paris region cancer network.

In 2004, this network brought together 7 institutions, took the name Cancéropôle Île-de-France and adopted the structure of a Groupement d’Intérêt Scientifique (GIS). In 2007, it acquired legal personality and became a Public Interest Group (GIP).

Accredited and financed by INCa and its member institutions, the Cancéropôle IDF aims to federate cancer research in the Paris region, coordinate the research network, foster interdisciplinary collaboration and promote the implementation of innovative cross-disciplinary programs.

Its missions have been formalized in the objectives and performance contract signed with INCa :

  • To make cancer research part of a regional dynamic, drawing on in-depth knowledge of the regional ecosystem.
  • Facilitate collaboration between researchers at the cancéropôle
  • Support researchers
  • Enhance the scientific and economic value of research results

Cancéropôle Île-de-France member institutions are major players in cancer research, combining care and research. Constituted as a Public Interest Group (Groupement d’Intérêt Public – GIP), the Cancéropôle IDF has a number of bodies which enable it to implement its scientific strategy:

  • a General Assembly (GA) comprising representatives from all member institutions
  • a Strategic Steering Committee (COPS), which proposes scientific strategy
  • a General Secretariat which implements the actions decided by the General Assembly.

The Cancéropôle IDF’s scientific strategy is built around thematic working groups, aimed at structuring networks of researchers from different institutions in the Paris region. The themes proposed by the Scientific Director and the COPS are relevant to the Ile-de-France healthcare landscape and the region’s cancer research strengths. The actions implemented by the Cancéropôle IDF are proposed by researchers in a bottom-up approach, and are aimed at all researchers in the region.