Since 2003, the French government has shown a strong commitment to supporting cancer research, improving healthcare provision for cancer patients and their families, and supporting all those affected by the disease in their care and life paths. Between 2003 and 2020, this was made possible by the implementation of 3 successive cancer plans steered by the French National Cancer Institute (INCa). Since 2021, the ten-year national cancer strategy aims to extend this support, complementing the structuring actions, mechanisms and tools already in place.
Following on from the 3rd Cancer Plan, President Emmanuel Macron has called for a ten-year strategy to combat cancer, covering the years 2021 to 2030. It comprises 4 priorities, broken down into more than 240 concrete actions:
- Priority 1: Improve prevention.
- Priority 2: Limit after-effects and improve quality of life.
- Priority 3: Combat cancers with a poor prognosis.
- Priority 4: ensure that progress benefits everyone.
The first measure of the Contract of Objectives and Performance (COP) 2021-2025, drawn up between the French government and INCa, aims to pursue the efforts undertaken to structure research in France. In this context, and following their positive evaluation, the 7 Cancéropôles are once again accredited for the period 2023-2027. The Cancéropôle Île-de-France will benefit from funding of 5.4 million euros for the period 2023-2025, for missions to structure, support and coordinate research in their territories.
National cancer plans (2003 – 2020)
Plan cancer 1
Launched on March 24 2003 at the instigation of French President Jacques Chirac, the national mobilization plan against cancer, known as “Cancer Plan 1”, proposed 70 measures organized around 6 operational chapters: prevention, screening, care, social support, staff training and research. As a direct consequence of this first Cancer Plan, INCa (Institut National du Cancer) was created in 2005, bringing together all those involved in the fight against cancer in France. The INCa’s mission is to coordinate actions in the fight against cancer:
- Observing and evaluating the cancer control system
- Defining best practices in oncology
- Informing professionals and the general public
- Setting up medical and paramedical training programs
- Financing and implementing research and development projects
- developing and monitoring joint initiatives between public and private organizations
- Participation in the development of European and international initiatives.
In 2003, the Cancer Plan 1 led to the identification of 7 regional Cancéropôles across France, including the Cancéropôle Île-de-France. In 2007, this support was renewed with new funding for the period 2007-2010, amounting to almost 10.5 million euros for the Cancéropôle Île-de-France.
Plan cancer 2
As part of the 2009-2013 Cancer Plan, the evaluation of Cancéropôles by the Agence d’Evaluation de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement Supérieur (AERES) led to the accreditation of 7 Cancéropôles in June 2011. As such, the Cancéropôle Île-de-France will receive the largest amount of funding, 9.5 million euros, for the period June 2011 – June 2014.
The 2009-2013 Cancer Plan, known as “Cancer Plan 2”, is based on the report submitted to French President Nicolas Sarkozy by Professor Jean-Pierre Grünfeld in February 2009. It follows on from Cancer Plan 1, and is based on a series of 30 measures divided into 118 concrete actions, organized into 5 areas:
- Research and innovation
- Observation
- Prevention and screening
- Cancer care
- Life during and after cancer
The plan’s strategy is structured around three major cross-functional themes, representing the new challenges facing the fight against cancer:
- Taking account of health inequalities in the face of cancer
- Stimulating analysis and consideration of individual and environmental factors
- Strengthening the role of the primary care physician
Plan cancer 3
The third Cancer Plan (2014-2019) focused on 3 major objectives. These were to:
- Cure more sick people, by promoting early diagnosis and guaranteeing access for all to high-quality medicine and innovations ;
- Preserve continuity and quality of life, by offering comprehensive care for people during and after illness, taking into account all their needs;
- Invest in prevention and research to reduce the number of new cases of cancer and prepare for future progress.
INCa has entrusted the Cancéropôles with the task of implementing some of the research priorities of the 3rd Cancer Plan at regional level. An evaluation by an international scientific committee commissioned by INCa in July 2015 led to renewed support for the Cancéropôles. The Cancéropôle Île-de-France received funding of 5.5 million euros for the period 2015-2017. This support has been renewed for the 2018 – 2022 period at 5.75 million euros.
In 2019, the General Inspectorate for Social Affairs (IGAS) and the General Inspectorate for Education, Sport and Research (IGESR) evaluated the third Cancer Plan (2014-2019) steered by INCa.
7 Cancéropôles have been set up to cover the whole of France. The Cancéropôle Île-de-France alone accounts for almost half of all cancer research potential. Cancéropôles enable better coordination of cancer research on a regional or inter-regional scale, by breaking down the barriers between sectors and disciplines. They facilitate the emergence of large-scale, multidisciplinary research networks bringing together the scientific, clinical and industrial communities, as well as dedicated decision-making bodies.
Their common missions are defined in the contract of objectives and performance signed with INCa, and are expressed in different ways adapted to the territory of each.
Cancéropôles meet regularly to share experiences and develop inter-cancéropôle collaborations:
- In partnership with the other French Cancéropôles, the MOOC NGS & Cancer – RNA-seq analyses has been open to researchers throughout France.
- Action in the field of health democracy through participation in the “Groupe du 13” inter-cancéropôle group, focusing on the role of patients in research.