The Cancéropôle IDF’s working groups are inter-institutional forums for discussion and the implementation of concerted actions. For each of them, a dedicated mini-website offers :
- A presentation of the group and its missions
- A presentation of the structuring actions implemented by the group
- Resources and useful links for people interested in the group’s theme
All of the mini-websites are in French only.

Coordinator: Jérôme CROS
Ile-de-France is a leader in the field of rare cancers: of the 17 national rare cancer expert centers accredited by INCa, 10 are located in the region. A working group has been set up within the Cancéropôle Île-de-France to structure actions in this field. Its mission is to promote translational and clinical research into rare cancers, by facilitating the development of new methodologies, and to improve access to innovative care for all rare cancer patients. Its work has, in particular, contributed to the inclusion of the “rare cancers” pre-indication in the France Médecine Génomique plan.

More than a third of incident cancers and over 50% of deaths occur in patients aged 70 or over, and their numbers are increasing. Yet the elderly are often excluded from therapeutic trials and treatment standards, leading to a lack of specific recommendations for the management of elderly cancer patients. This group’s mission is to federate the 5 Oncogeriatric Coordination Units (UCOG) in the Paris region around the Elcapa cohort, and to propose studies to improve the implementation of research in oncogeriatrics.

Coordinator: Laurent QUERO
The aim of this working group is to consolidate the Ile-de-France network of researchers, clinicians, physicists, biologists and platforms involved in clinical and preclinical radiotherapy research. This means setting up a cross-disciplinary research project on radiotherapy imaging, or taking action to raise the profile of radiotherapy research.

Coordinators: Diane BOINON and Sylvie DOLBEAULT
The aim of this working group is to create links between researchers from different disciplines within the SHS, as well as with researchers outside the SHS and clinicians, and to stimulate reflection on cross-disciplinary research themes. This is achieved mainly through the organization of interdisciplinary thematic seminars.

Coordinator: Anita BURGUN
The aim of the Geocancer working group is to set up an inter-institutional project to integrate clinical and biological data from existing research programs, in particular the Ile-de-France SIRICs, which are heavily involved in translational research. While the group initially focused on sharing clinical and genomic data for cancer research, it is now concentrating on integrating clinical, social and environmental patient data using geographical data.

Coordinators: Sophie SIBERIL and Eric TARTOUR
Deciphering tumor heterogeneity and the complex interactions between malignant cells and their microenvironment are key to improving cancer treatment. All the major research centers in the Paris region have research teams working on this emerging topic. This calls for coordination on a regional scale, with the aim of pooling new technologies and knowledge on innovative study models of the tumor microenvironment (development of in vitro, 2D and 3D models).

Coordinator: Sergio ROMAN ROMAN
The Île-de-France Region has enabled the development of ultra-high-performance technological platforms in the field of cancer, via its calls for projects steered by the DIM Cancérologie. A working group set up in 2014 is tasked with promoting the opening up of platforms and their use by researchers in the Paris Region. This involves taking stock of platforms and creating a directory available to the Ile-de-France community, as well as identifying the most important needs in terms of investment.

Coordinator: Lucie LAPLANE
The conceptual study of cancer biology is likely to lead to a better understanding of the mechanisms of cancer disease, and hence to new treatments. The Paris Region has internationally recognized expertise in this field. The creation of a multi-disciplinary group (philosophers, historians of science, mathematicians, biologists, medical researchers) enables us to explore the model of clonal evolution in an interdisciplinary way.

Coordinated by Medicen and Cancéropôle IDF
The Cancéropôle IDF has been working with the Medicen competitiveness cluster for many years. This partnership has been strengthened by the creation of a working group comprising academic researchers from the Cancéropôle IDF network and industrialists from the Medicen network. The aim of this group is to bring together academics and industrialists to encourage the development of innovative projects, and to strengthen exchanges with the regional industrial fabric. Call for projects (AMI) are co-organized around themes of interest in oncology.

Group gathering the SIRICs of the Paris Region
and the Cancéropôle IDF
What is health democracy in research? What are the different ways patients can get involved in research? What initiatives exist in the Paris region?
The aim of this inter-siric group is to exchange information on initiatives carried out in the various networks, and to share experiences so as to be able to work more closely together on crucial issues, and/or set up action in fields not already addressed.